
How to use teamviewer on iphone to desktop
How to use teamviewer on iphone to desktop

Only an approved account can access a device without a password, and the account itself is protected with two-factor authentication. If you’re worried about possible security risks, you should know that Easy Access is very secure.

how to use teamviewer on iphone to desktop

Click the “Grant Easy Access” checkbox to activate it.Navigate to the “Unattended access” section.

how to use teamviewer on iphone to desktop

  • Choose “Options” from the drop-down menu.
  • Depending on your operating system, click on the “Extras” or “Preferences” tab on the three horizontal icon.
  • After that, follow these steps to enable Easy Access: Once activated, all you need to do is log in to your account and access the desired device.īefore activating Easy Access, ensure that the device you want to connect to is assigned to your TeamViewer account. In fact, if you need to access a computer quickly when no one is present on the other side, the password can be a hindrance.įortunately, TeamViewer offers an option to connect to a device with no personal or random password required. Although this feature is put in place for security reasons, there are situations when it isn’t needed. When you’re connecting to a new device via TeamViewer, you’ll typically need to enter a password to authorize the connection. How to Add a Computer to TeamViewer Without a Password After seeing the “Device successfully added” message, you can sign in using the new device. Once you select the desired option, tap “Trust” to complete the process.
  • “No, only once,” to only allow a one-time pairing.
  • “Yes, this IP address,” if you trust all the devices from that local network.
  • “Yes, this device,” if you want to grant permanent access to that specific device.
  • Click on the down-arrow to expand the options and choose one of the following. To do so, navigate to the drop-down menu under the “Do you want to trust this device or the IP address permanently?” question. You can complete the authorization process in the console by selecting the trust scope you’d like to grant to the device.

    how to use teamviewer on iphone to desktop

    Once you click on the link, the TeamViewer Management Console will open. To authorize the new device, navigate to your email account and click on the link within the received email. The email will contain a device authorization link valid for 24 hours.

    how to use teamviewer on iphone to desktop

    The pop-up will inform you that a confirmation email has been sent to your email address. After entering the log-in details for the first time, a pop-up window will appear.

    How to use teamviewer on iphone to desktop