
Wow legion flying mount training
Wow legion flying mount training

Chromie Time is the new leveling system that will let you choose any expansion to play your character in for levels 10-50. There are still some giant unanswered questions here involving how Chromie Time will work with flying. Unless there are major shifts in how the early economy works it’s just not feasible for a player who doesn’t already have max level characters bankrolling them to get their speedy flight by level 40. On live servers, there is a possibility that if you’ve been questing and picking up every item that monsters drop, you might be able to afford Artisan Riding by the time you’ve reached the required level 70. Paying for Artisan flying isn’t something that a new player would be in any position to do right away though. That’s a huge weight off of your pocket book. Now when you buy Artisan Riding you’ll get the maximum speed of 310%. Most notably there are no longer three ranks of riding skills for flying.

  • Artisan Riding - Fastest flying speed at level 40.
  • Expert Riding - Normal flying speed at level 30.
  • Journeyman Riding - Fast ground speed at level 20.
  • Apprentice Riding - Slow ground speed at level 10.
  • As it stands right now on the alpha you unlock your first mount and the riding skill to go with it at level 10, and flying is unlocked at level 30. It looks like we’ll be getting flying roughly halfway through the experience again in Shadowlands.

    wow legion flying mount training

    On the live Battle for Azeroth servers you’ll unlock flying when you hit level 60, halfway through your leveling experience. One of the biggest questions that arose when Blizzard announced the leveling squish in Shadowlands was “How is flying going to work?” And now that the Shadowlands alpha is out, we finally have an answer.

    Wow legion flying mount training